Monday, May 14, 2007

JavaOne 2007 in Review

JavaOne is always a great experience. From first thing in the morning to late in the night it is Java, Java, and more Java. One great thing about JavaOne is the opportunity to spend an hour on some technology you might not otherwise be able to spend the time on. I try and spend time on a wide range of topics. I will be adding my thoughts on each session over the next couple of days.


It was rare that I attended a session that FindBugs was not mentioned. Many of the presenters had good things to say about the project. I only attended one session that dealt with the topic of static code analysis, but it kept getting mentioned in the context of good things everyone should be doing. Take a look if you haven't already. There is support for many IDEs, even Eclipse.
Session ID/Title Speaker(s)
Tuesday , 05/08/2007
TS-9370 JRuby on Rails: Agility for the EnterpriseCharles Nutter; Thomas Enebo
TS-2707 Java Puzzlers, Episode VI: The Phantom-Reference Menace/Attack of the Clone/Revenge of the ShiftJoshua Bloch; William Pugh
TS-6381 The Future of the Java Technology Web TierRajiv Mordani; Jiandong Guo
TS-1519 All About Java Technology-Based RoboticsPaul Perrone
BOF-1692 Introducing the Sun SPOT (Small Programmable Object Technology) and Sun SPOT Community: Java on Wireless Sensor Networks Randall Smith; Ron Goldman; Arshan Poursohi
BOF-2358 Closures for the Java Programming Language Neal Gafter
BOF-4664 Dynamic Portals and Ajax in PortletsGreg Ziebold; Jai Suri
Wednesday, 05/09/2007
TS-2594 Secure Coding Guidelines, Continued: Preventing Attacks and Avoiding Antipatterns Jeff Nisewanger; Charlie Lai
TS-2689 Effective Java™ Reloaded: This Time It's for RealJoshua Bloch
LAB-1420 Nonintrusive Monitoring of Java Technology-Based Applications with Java Management Extensions (JMX) Technology, JConsole, and Aspect-Oriented Programming: Using a Spring Application as an ExamplePaul Cheung; Luis-Miguel Alventosa; Max Poon
TS-2388 Effective Concurrency for the Java PlatformBrian Goetz
TS-4604 Fast and Free SSO: A Survey of Open-Source Solutions to Single Sign-on Craig Dickson; Naveen Nallannagari
BOF-9587 Pimp My Java Application: Applying Static Analysis Tools to Boost Java Code QualityGregg Sporar; Fabiano Cruz
LAB-7210 Hands-on with Project Darkstar: The JavaOne Conference MUD Sridhar Reddy; Jeffrey Kesselman
Thursday , 05/10/2007
TS-3834 Being Productive with SwingBen Galbraith
TS-2656 JMX Technology: Who's Doing WhatEamonn McManus; Jean-François Denise
TS-7755 Advanced Spring FrameworkRod Johnson
TS-9944 PHP and Java Technology Integration: A Technical How-To Session with Cofounder and Co-CTO of Zend Andi GutmansAndi Gutmans
TS-3569 Beans BindingShannon Hickey; Hans Muller; Jan Stola
TS-3073 Write a 3-D Game in the Java Programming Language in Less Than 50 Minutes Erik Hellman
BOF-8238 Building Composite Services Applications Mike Edwards; Jim Marino
BOF-9472 Performance Statistics of Java Technology-Based Applications Using Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) and Chime Steven Reynolds
BOF-3478 Easy Test-Driven GUI Development Alex Ruiz; Yvonne Price
Friday , 05/11/2007
TS-6821 Spring Web Flow: A Next-Generation Web Application Controller Technology Keith Donald
TS-43350 Harnessing the Power of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Technology With Spring Michael Keith; Shaun Smith; Colin Sampaleanu
TS-6836 Creating Amazing Web Interfaces with Ajax Ben Galbraith; Dion Almaer
TS-1786 Writing Games With Project Darkstar Jeffrey Kesselman; Chris Melissinos; Mark Rizzo

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